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Size Category: 100+

Positions are determined by the total number of journeys made.

Position Team Participation Journeys Distance CO2 saved Calories burned Money saved
1 Babcock Support 2% (22/1000) 761 3,148 miles 211kg 250,424 £373.84
2 University of Plymouth - FoSE 14% (21/150) 729 1,910 miles 122kg 135,887 £280.22
3 Plymouth Marine Laboratory 2% (4/180) 54 121 miles 11kg 6,981 £9.85
4 Babcock Big Big Ride 0% (0/3500) 0 0 miles 0kg 0 £0.00
4 Plymouth City Council 0% (0/500) 0 0 miles 0kg 0 £0.00